Now that I am one semester away from graduating, I want to share how altering my mindset towards university and life has made me a better student and person.
How to say NO to peer pressure
This blog post will cover the basis of The Art Of Saying NO: How To Stand Your Ground, Reclaim Your Time And Energy, And Refuse To Be Taken For Granted (Without Feeling Guilty!). It will serve as a guide for setting boundaries and developing the assertiveness you need to maintain them. It discusses how to use the strategies from the book and apply them to avoid modern peer pressure and sticky situations, all while feeling confident in your decisions. It will also discuss the concept of “people pleasers” and how to avoid becoming one.
Happiness is a Choice — Will You Make It?
The How of Happiness by Sonja Lyubomirsky is a book about the science of happiness and practical ways to improve your everyday happiness. This book discusses several empirically supported ways to improve happiness that are easy to integrate into your everyday life. My blog post discusses three strategies from the book that I implemented to try to decrease the stress and anxiety that I experience and improve my overall happiness. Emotion-focused coping, problem-focused coping, and expressing gratitude are all strategies from the book that really worked for me. I practiced emotion-focused coping by going to the gym. I practiced problem-focused coping by making study guides for exams, and I practiced expressing gratitude through a weekly gratitude journal. Happiness is a choice and I chose to practice these strategies to improve my happiness.
Maintaining a Well-Balanced Diet and a Healthy Lifestyle
My course project is a blog post about maintaining a well-balanced diet and a healthy
lifestyle. This is a very important everyday goal for me as a student-athlete at Ohio State. As
you read my blog post you’ll see why sleep, stress, breakfast, lunch, and dinner are so
important to me and why I would choose it as a goal of mine to focus on. Throughout my blog post I discuss James Kerr’s book called Legacy and how some of his strategies and book helped me achieve my goals.