My project is about how depression and other mental health issues decrease productivity and overall student performance. From Neil Paricha’s The Happiness Equation, we can learn different methods that, in addition to professional help, can help students increase their productivity and, in extension, their grades. Through socializing, I began to go to the library more which allowed me to study more. Being around other people also made me feel significantly less lonely.
Small Changes For The Greater Good
I incorporated 3 major ideas from the book into my daily routine. The objective was to help achieve my goal of attaining a B- average in my core classes. Through continued use, these strategies have had a positive effect. I have also learned that moderation is key to success of any new thing that you try to incorporate into your life.
The Salvation of Slumber: Sleep Contributing to Success
Are you tired of constantly needing to nap, being thrown off by inconsistent sleep, finding yourself stressed out before bed, or just plain tired? If so, there’s a way to make changes in your sleeping habits to account for these problems. In this post I will demonstrate how you can structure your sleeping patterns in a way that promotes feeling great and performing successfully. If you have other goals or just view sleep with indifference, this post will awaken you to the importance of sleep and how it will even help with achieving your other goals in life. Only once you have winning sleeping habits can you win in life.
Jumping into your Career
In this project I am presenting a podcast that details my learnings from the book Getting from College to Career. In the book I learned that professionalism, organization, and staying in the know of my field are the most important ways for me to prepare for my career after college. And overall these goals help me as well in situations even outside of my career. They currently help me with school work and making sure I’m prepared for things correctly and on time.